Reism are what you’d get if Bjork and Gojira were caught in a head-on collision. Down-tuned brooding energy impaled by melancholic melodies and heart-wrenching vocal lines you can’t look away from. Kirsten Jørgensen’s powerful voice dominates the dark soundscape of metal riffs blended with industrial noise, catchy choruses and soaring melodies.
Their music is hard and dark, moody and powerful. This is hard hitting metal with female vocals and an Industrial edge.
Since forming in Liverpool, England in 2004, the band have been gigging hard, attracting a growing fan base in both the UK and Norway, have produced three albums, Lifestyle Product (2005) Something Darker (2011), and after a breif hiatus Dysthymia (2019)
Dysthymia is a mood disorder consisting of the same cognitive and physical problems as depression, with less severe but longer-lasting symptoms. Reism felt this title reflected the feel and lyrical content of this album with songs that focus on theme’s such as betrayal, depression, and self identity.
This album refines all the elements the band have previously combined. Interweaving them seamlessly in an intricate web of organised chaos.

Kirsten Jørgensen

Tom Poole-Kerr

Kim Lund

Wolfgang Ognøy